Our Team
Meet Dominique, the Founder
I’m Dominique, mama to my 1.5 year old son Kaleb, primary teacher at Riversong Nursery School, potter, homesteader, farmer and lover of Earth. I love to craft, work with clay, play music, cook, garden, and be with children.
I have a degree in Anthropology from Stanford University, where I studied at Bing Nursery School. I’ve been a student of Martín Prechtel’s international school Bolad’s Kitchen since 2014, studying world culture, ancestral crafts and what it means to be a human being in reverence to the holy in nature. For 10 years I worked for the women’s organization Awakening Women, supporting women all over the world in embodied spiritual practice, facilitating retreats where women (and mothers) nourished themselves from the source. I am passionate about creating a village in this modern world, in showing up for each other in real ways, and I know how hard it is to be a parent dedicated to your child’s thriving in the midst of a society that has de-centered motherhood. My intention at Riversong Nursery School is to create the world we wish to live in, on behalf of the precious next generation. To keep our children’s wonder in tact and hold it as the most sacred thing.
Assistant & Guest Teachers coming soon…